Assalammualaikum, i'm wanie. This my blog, my story, my life. Read or leave. Thankyou :3

Take a deep breath.
Friday, December 9, 2011 | 6:38 AM | 0 babyboo

Hey guys. Salam:3

This post is kind about my boypreng:/ . I'm truly sorry for what i did. And i hope HE forgive me. Semalam punya kes. Tapi tak yah crta kot? Let it be Our Secret. Hee. So today i really hope he call. From morning i waiting for today. But hancur harapan. Okey whatever. So tadi call. Hmm. Nak baik dah kot? Maybe. And i hope so. And kalau dah baik. Hope tak buat salah dah. Haha. Okey sayang :3 iloveyou.
